
Review – It’s a Small Universe After All

Review – It’s a Small Universe After All

Small Universe Background

Small Universe Syndrome.  It seems to be everyone in Star Trek, and more particularly in Star Trek fanfiction. This story was written in response to a challenge to put together two characters who really should not go together, or would not normally be seen together. Both of these are canon characters; it’s based on who one of the characters reminded me of when I first saw her.


Barking up the muse tree | jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | It's A Small Universe After All | Small Universe Syndrome

It’s A Small Universe After All

The first time I saw Krios Prime’s Kaitaama in Star Trek: Enterprise, I couldn’t help but to realize she was actually a tired retread of Elaan of Troilus from the Original Series.

The whole episode is one big, fat trope. It was yet another beautiful, haughty princess who looked human enough that looking at her sexually would not make the audience feel too weird about things. A red-blooded spacefaring guy would not be able to help being attracted to her.

Of course, assuming she was still youthful, Kirk would hit on her. But how to get them together?

I decided to lift the plot of Two Days, Two Nights. Risa would still have a crime problem. But instead of Malcolm and Tripp being tied up in a basement, it would be Captain James T. Kirk and Kaitaama.

Story Postings


The story is Rated K.


I am not so sure I would ever write a story like this again. I have enough problems keeping my own creations from suffering from coincidences and small universe syndrome. It would be far worse if I did that deliberately with more canon characters!

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, In Between Days series, Review, 1 comment

Review – Siberians

Review – Siberians

Siberians? What?


Yes, I went there. A lot of people feel this is the worst ever episode of any of the Star Trek series. Or at least it comes awfully close to that. Why? Is it because of the squicky sex between the captain and the pilot? Or because of the wacky way Warp 10 somehow messes with Paris’s DNA? Could it be because the writing feels utterly bankrupt of imagination, so much so that the writers could not figure out what comes after humans? And, instead, they cop out and decide to regress and have us go back to, of all things, salamanders?

There are a lot of things wrong with Threshold. It would be a mistake to deny that. And my list barely scratches the surface.


Barking up the muse tree | jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | Siberians


It was a kind of irresistible premise: what the hell would Tom Paris and Kathryn Janeway do after Threshold?

Because of course it would have to be awkward. Of course.

I decided I wanted a piece of their time on the planet to be related to something rather biologically primal. It wouldn’t just be the sex drive. Instead, a part of the issue would be something which happens to non-human animals on Earth: they would go into season.

So in order to be able to deal with this, I didn’t have them recreate what had happened. Then they decide to commemorate the occasion and remember their children.

Story Postings


The story has a K+ rating.


While Threshold is roundly (and justifiably, in my opinion) criticized as one of the worst episodes the entire franchise has to offer, it does raise this very question. How do you work together after that?

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Review, 2 comments
Review – Eight

Review – Eight

Review – Eight

Eight was a labor of love.


So this is a mixed bag of stories intended to fill in a few small gaps and inconsistencies or untold stories. And the truth is, I was most likely the only person who ever noticed or gave a damn about these little untold moments or inconsistent bits. No problem. Because it is always important to keep writing. Hence I was able to do so with this small set of exercises. Furthermore, it may serve as an introduction to my work for some people.

Barking up the Muse Tree | jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | Eight


As a gift for the Chanukah holiday (to myself), I decided to write eight little family-centric stories taking place within my various universes. The various characters would interact, or not, but the main idea was for each story to be related to family somehow.


So even in the future, and regardless of species, it is all about family. Home and hearth abide, even in space.

Hence the stories cover In Between Days, the E2 timeline, the Daranaean Emergence series, the Eriecho series, The Times of the HG Wells, Hold Your Dominion, and there is also a second HG Wells story which focuses on Levi Cavendish and Otra D’Angelo. Hence this story brought together a number of somewhat disparate timelines and casts in order to give a reader some perspective on what I write.

Story Postings


The story is Rated K.


Unfortunately, I am not so sure if anyone can relate to this series of stories as well as I can. Hence maybe they’re more like inside jokes? I don’t know.

These stories. And these worlds. Plus these timelines. And the same number of universes. And in all of them, home and hearth abide.

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Posted by jespah in Barnstorming, Emergence series, Eriecho series, Fan fiction, Hall of Mirrors, In Between Days series, Review, Times of the HG Wells series, 0 comments

Review – Coffee

Review – Coffee

I love coffee! But maybe not so much the story. However, I certainly enjoy the brew, as do a lot of people. One good thing about it is how it humanizes Captain Kathryn Janeway. For all of the issues which the writers may have had with her, at least this quirk gives her humanity. After all, even if you prefer tea, you always know someone who would prefer the French Roast or the Sumatran blend.


Barking up the muse tree | jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | Coffee

Anyone for coffee?

For an inspiration of the same name, I wrote a quickie drabble. The truth is, the story could be about anyone. In fact, I may have originally crafted it that way. The truth is, I can no longer recall. No matter.

It does not have to relate to Star Trek at all – and this little drabble just about barely does.


So anyone who knows Star Trek: Voyager is abundantly aware that Captain Kathryn Janeway enjoys her morning brew. One thing I liked about the show was that, despite replicator technology (and its seemingly magical properties), she’s still got to have real coffee. She notices if she’s getting something ersatz, a pale imitation. Hence this humanizing, relatable detail works on a lot of levels. I wanted to capture that, where she would muse over something so simple yet so personally potent. Furthermore, for Janeway, it serves as a quiet(er) moment in a life filled with everyone wanting something yesterday. As a result, this tiny moment starts her day off right.

Story Postings


The story is Rated K.


I wanted to capture that moment, right before everything goes to hell and you’re being called on for a million different things. Did I make it? You tell me.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Review, 1 comment

Review – Overture

Review – Overture


Overture came about from a Star Trek fanfiction prompt about new beginnings.

Barking up the Muse Tree | jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | Overture


I could not get the idea out of my head about the start of a classical concert. So that led me to Lakeisha Warren. Then the story and the prompt gave me the prequel (more or less) to Crackerjack. It also serves as a prequel to The All-Stars. So this little story wears a lot of metaphorical hats.

Young love is often a good idea for a story, and this was no exception. I had already shown (in Imprecision) how they had met. At this point in time, I wanted to show them beginning their commitment. Lakeisha and Wes would get really serious, really quickly. But that’s okay. Because sometimes, you just know.


Therefore, I sent Wesley Crusher out to visit Lakeisha, not too long after they had first met. As a direct sequel to Imprecision, and as a prequel to The All-Stars, Wesley would be very interested in this amusing musically gifted girl. And all he would want to do is show it.

A classical concert, for her, could easily encompass music from The Who’s Tommy rock opera.

As Lakeisha practices, Wesley listens in a little, and then he proceeds to knock on her door. He tells her that he does not believe in holding back. He wants her to know she already means something to him. She already matters.


The story’s music is The Who’s Overture.

Story Postings


The story is Rated K.


Just like a regular start of a play, the story hints at great things to come. I hope it whets readers’ appetites for more Wes and Lakeisha. They certainly deserve an exploration!

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Posted by jespah in Barnstorming, Fan fiction, Review, 0 comments

Progress Report – December 2016

Progress Report – December 2016

December 2016 was another month where I posted only older stories. Because I was busy with finishing up this year’s NaNoWriMo project, I could not work on new Star Trek fan fiction.

Posted Works

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First of all, on the G & T Show forums, I posted nothing! Because Russian spammers continued attacking, we decided to take the forums down. However, the good news is that I will be reposting as blog posts. However, this meant the read counts ground to a  screeching halt and I won’t have a good way to check them. By making this change, Temper was left unfinished on that site. And as of the writing of this blog post, the replacement does not yet exist. Hence postings will become even more curtailed.

And on, I posted the end of Where the Wind Comes Sweepin’ Down the Plain. So then I was able to start to post The Point is Probably Moot.

Finally, on Wattpad, I posted the last of A Long, Long Time Ago and then segued into posting Ohio.


See the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

This month was all about finishing the November 2016 NaNoWriMo book, The Real Hub of the Universe.

Prep Work

I spent some time getting prompts together for the @WattNaNo profile on Wattpad. The idea is to make next year easier. Hence as I think of prompts, I just add them. And I have been asking other people to help me with making the prompts. However, the real issue is getting someone to post the daily prompts during November, when I am slammed.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

Between finishing the NaNoWriMo book, podcasting, blogging for two podcasts, the wedding blog, the nursing blog, and my own health management, there was simply no time for fan fiction! Oh, and I also looked for work. In addition, I was saddened to learn my one-time collaborator, Justin Miller, passed on.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Review, 0 comments

Review – Truth

Review – Truth

Truth, of course, matters.


So once again, the prompt is the same as the name of the story. However, I did not realize how the plot would turn out until I was writing it. Bron suddenly spoke to me, and I just took dictation. And that is the most fun when you write.


Barking up the muse tree | jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | The truth about Bron

The truth about Bron

So a year after Bron and Sophra start going out, he meets her parents. As they fret a bit about the relationship and he gets even more nervous, he suddenly blurts out the truth. And he absolutely did not plan to do that.

Poor Bron! Always so sensitive and sweet. Sophra’s parents are skeptical, and her father in particular is unsure of things. Bron doesn’t even tell or ask Sophra first. Instead, as her father asks for his intentions, Bron blurts out that his intention is marriage. Yet this surprises everyone – in particular, Sophra herself. While she had to have known she was a serious individual, she might have considered that their relationship would have moved a little more slowly. However, she accepts his sudden proposal gladly.

Initially appalled, Sophra’s parents come around when Bron tells them he will have a good engineering job and they will likely adopt children as the chance of having their own probably isn’t there. A little grudgingly, perhaps, they accept him.  I like to think they can look beyond his clearly rather alien appearance.

Story Postings


This story is rated K.


So as is always the case with Bron, a little bit of haplessness creeps in. But he’s kind, smart, and committed, and I think you just can’t help but to root for him. I think those two crazy kids might just make it after all.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Mixing It Up Collection, Review, 2 comments

Review – Transported

Review – Transported

Transported makes use of a double meaning.


Hence for a prompt of the same name, I wanted to cover a rather different type of transporting. Instead, it would be the kind which happens when you are overly engrossed in something. In addition, that certain something would be not so safe for work or for children.


Barking up the muse tree | jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | The truth about Bron | Transported


Skrol and Tr’Dorna misbehave during a class field trip. The premise is rather simple and has very little description. In fact, the entire story is little more than a sketch.

It is late and the class at Picard High School is heading back from a field trip to … somewhere. Yet it doesn’t matter where.

Because all that matters is that it’s crowded and hot and dark, and Tr’Dorna is wearing a skirt, as she and Skrol have sex in the transport, not ten feet away from their teacher. Because of the nature of this little story, keep children far, far away. I mean it!

Story Postings


This story has an M rating.


I liked the idea of a couple getting it on in such a public and dangerous manner. The only other couple I have had, so far, to do such a thing, are Jay Hayes and Susan Cheshire. However, you never see them in the act; the reference is just one of Jay’s memories of her. Although, does anyone see Skrol and Tr’Dorna? I honestly don’t know. Also, I have no idea if any could see Jay and Susan. However, I feel that adds some mystique. If the real answer is unknown, then you can think whatever you like.

Here, the act and its leadup are covered pretty nicely, I feel.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Mixing It Up Collection, Review, 0 comments

Review – Losin’ It

Review – Losin’ It

Losin (Losin’) It? So, what does that mean? Of course, it has to do with sex. However, it also has a lot to do with innocence.  So this means truth and it means lies. And while I can’t recall whether this story came before Truth or the other way around, it does serve as a tidy bookend to the other short tale. For Bron, clearly, it’s all about the truth. And for Skrol, equally as clearly, it is more about the exaggeration.


The prompt for a monthly challenge was, if I recall correctly, about lying. And who better to lie than the semi-silver-tongued reptilian devil himself, Skrol?

Losin the Plot

Barking up the muse tree | jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | Losin' It

Losin’ It

Oh, what has Skrol done now?

Like teenagers from time immemorial, Tr’Dorna, Skrol, Etrina, Bron, and Sophra are all a little obsessed with each others’ lives. So this includes the inevitable question of, are you still a virgin? Because by that time, not everyone is.

Skrol hatches a plan to get Tr’Dorna to flip her tail for him (essentially, for them to have sex or at least get close to that) by lying to her and saying that not only is he a virgin, but that she is the first female he has ever kissed.

Bron calls him out on it and he threatens to tell Tr’Dorna. As a result, Skrol is forced to confess.

Story Postings


This story is rated T.


The story is okay; it’s not great and I would not put it up there with my better work. It’s just a little teenaged humor story more than anything else. However, it told me more about Skrol, and that’s always a good thing, to know the characters even better.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Mixing It Up Collection, Review, 1 comment

Review – Insecurity

Review – Insecurity

Insecurity can happen to any of us. So who better to illustrate that than my favorite Gorn?


Therefore, in response to a prompt of the same name, I decided to revisit one of my favorite non-human interspecies couples. For these mixed-alien lovers, who also just so happen to be teenagers, a short separation is a cause for concern. And like so many teens throughout history, it hurts to be apart. Even someone who is not jealous can wonder just what is going on. And slow or missing communications make that even worse.


Barking up the muse tree | jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | The truth about Bron | Insecurity


A few weeks after Bron and Sophra start going out, they are separated due to the school’s vacation schedule.

Bron, as always, is the somewhat nerdy and very shy and perhaps overly sensitive. Hence it’s a somewhat banal thing, for a teenaged couple to be separated for some reason or another, and for one of them to be freaking out.

And of all the people to come to Bron’s rescue, it’s Tr’Dorna who tells him to hang in there, and that it’s all going to be okay. Bron even gets in an aside to Skrol, telling him that Tr’Dorna is a good person and he should better appreciate her. As a result, this story also represents me getting to know and better appreciate Tr’Dorna! And when she becomes Bron’s comforter (and, in a way, something of a confessor for him), she suddenly had a dimension and a character. She had not had those before.

Story Postings


This story is rated K.


I love my poor little sensitive New Aged-Gorn. And – spoiler alert – it will be okay.  Because Sophra understands. Long live Bron!

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Mixing It Up Collection, Review, 1 comment