
Star Trek Fan Fiction Stats


I am privileged – a lot of people read my works, and seem to like them. I keep basic statistics, and try to match them across sites. However, that’s not always possible.

 Misleading Read Numbers

For sites like The G & T Show and Archer’s Angels,  forum posting is the only option.


Reading Excellence and Discovery Foundation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hence each post generates a read (more like view). A thirty-chapter novel automatically gets thirty attributed reads. Editing generates at least another read. This creates misleadingly higher numbers.

On Trek United, since the forum was set to show twenty posts per page, a twenty-one-chapter novel not only generated twenty posting ‘reads’. It also generated another read every time a reader or I clicked to the following page. A twenty-two chapter work would generate twenty-four reads. This is twenty-two for the chapters and two for page flips to post the final two chapters.

Read counts also rise when Google sends out its spider bots. I did not list read counts when a story was posted in conjunction with others’ forum postings, e. g. answers to open challenges. This is because it’s impossible to tell from the read counts which story is being read, mine or someone else’s. Another issue is read counts do not show unique readers. One person reading one chapter fifty times, or one person reading fifty chapters, or fifty people reading one chapter, all show up as fifty reads.

The tables show combined postings read counts, even at sites now defunct.

Review Counts


Reviews are considerably more reliable. These numbers do not include comments on social sites like Twitter or Facebook. The numbers also do not include reviews, praise, or blame in emails or private messages.

Read/Chapter Averages

These figures are offered for interest’s sake.


But they can be misleading, as high read count one-chapter quickies have higher averages. This is due to lower denominators.

In some ways, though, this helps to counterbalance the problem of jacked-up read counts, as mentioned above.

Caveat emptor.


The tables have accuracy issues. However, it’s safe to claim a work with combined reads of over 1,000 is a winner, and one with over 5,000 is even better. There are a rarefied few with over 30,000 (Reversal has over 100,000; Together (over 60,000), Fortune,  and Intolerance and The Three of Us have over 40,000; and He Stays a Stranger, Temper,  Everybody Knows This is Nowhere, and are the other stories with over 30,000 reads). The love is definitely there.

Same with reviews. Readers probably like anything with ten or more reviews. Readers probably like even more when works have twenty or more reviews. They probably love works with over 140 reviews (Broken SealBrown, and Ceremonial). Reversal, Gainful, and The Tribe are the only fanfiction stories with over two hundred reviews so far. Revved Up has over five hundred reviews, but it is wholly original fiction and so is not exactly comparable. The Social Media Guide, which is also not comparable, also has over 500. I guess people really love it!

I thank all readers and reviewers. Your encouragement makes me happy, your attention makes me happy, and your critiques make me a better writer. I am humbly grateful.

All Multiple Chapter Stories with at least 10,000 Combined Reads/Views and at least 50 Reviews

Title Review Totals Read Totals # of Words Series
Across the Universe 68 12,003 13,065 ERI
Concord 66 14,777 19,813 INT
Conversations with Heroes 136 13,265 1,704 IBD
Crackerjack 79 15,306 9,046 INT
Flight of the Bluebird 62 30,497 22,016 EME
Fortune 67 52,096 119,115 IBD
Hold Your Dominion 51 23,637 6,951 DOM
Intolerance 140 53,209 33,152 IBD
Ohio 71 30,012 37,765 HGW
Reversal 299 128,648 71,595 IBD
Take Back the Night 107 27,678 21,850 EME
The Continuing Adventures of Porthos – The Future Cat 62 16,679 6,629 IBD
Together 83 71,884 74,375 IBD

Single Chapter Stories with at least 20,000 Combined Reads/Views and any number of Reviews

Title Review Totals Read Totals # of Words Series
Cobbled Together 110 21,324 625 IBD
Detroit Rock City 121 20,063 930 IBD
First Born 113 25,850 4,868 HGW
Harvest 104 20,126 1,360 IBD
If You Can’t Stand the Heat 110 22,620 2,313 IBD
More, More, More! 106 22,415 3,528 IBD
Paving Stones 114 22,703 2,868 HAL
The High Cost of Dissidence 134 20,792 1,625 HAL
Throwing Rocks at Looking Glass Houses 104 22,109 7,026 HAL
Waiting 105 20,808 648 IBD

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