Review – Friday Visit

Review – Friday Visit

Friday Visit fixes some plot holes.


For a look at Doug and Lili‘s early married life, from even before Joss, I went with what was essentially a scene missing from Together.

Barking up the Muse Tree | Jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | In Between Days | Friday Visit

In Between Days

In that story, Lili is already in possession of the Cuff of Lo.

But how did she get it in the first place?


Newlyweds Lili and Doug are talking in their rented home on Lafa II as the story opens, and Doug reminds Lili to take it easy and get some rest. She is pregnant and they have recently opened Reversal. Her pregnancy also isn’t as easy as it could be. She is being run ragged.

But she reminds him that they are going to visit Treve and his family. Because this is after the events of Reversal, Chawev is in prison. Yipran is out of the medical center, but is shaky. Chelben is still a little boy, and Yimar is still a fairly young tween.

When Yipran predicts that the cuff will go to Lili’s third child, Doug and Lili look at each other in some surprise. It seems as if Jeremiah Logan – Joss – would be something of a miracle child, given Lili’s age and the fact that Doug is actually a Terran and not, truly, a human. It does not seem to make any sense that there could be two more in the future. But they are polite and do not dismiss Yipran’s prediction out of hand.

Story Postings


The story is Rated K.


I liked putting together a little slice of Calafan life. It seems that, often, Star Trek fan fiction does not fill in the blanks when it comes to civilian living, or to the lives of aliens. I hope I have filled in the missing pieces a bit with this story.

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Posted by jespah

Shuttlepod pilot, fan fiction writer, sentient marsupial canid.

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