IDIC and Crossovers
Crossovers and IDIC mean what to you?
This was Templar Sora’s great blog prompt. He asked two questions.
- What kind of crossing over do we do as writers?
- What kind of crossing over do we want to see?
My Own Crossovers
I’ve done the crossover dance many times. A lot of it is in the context of interphases.
A Single Step
So for A Single Step, a story about first contact with the Caitians, I pulled together elements from TAS, the Star Trek: First Contact film and even a smidgen of ENT. An elderly Zefram Cochrane and his wife entertain the first Caitian that any humans ever meet.
Another Piece of the Action
For this collaboration with thebluesman, we crossed together a bit of ENT (the Daniels character) with TOS. Kirk and company meet the Iotians again, in Another Piece of the Action.
Concord pulled together ENT and the Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan film. Work on the Genesis Project sends Malcolm Reed back to 1775.
Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead cobbled together ENT with Wesley Crusher’s warp bubble experiment on TNG. Tripp Tucker ends up in 1945 Upper Bavaria.
Lili and Q argue and eventually help each other in Fortune, a riff on VOY’s The Q and the Grey.
It’s a Small Universe After All
So for a weekly writing prompt about bringing together characters that would not normally be

seen together, It’s a Small Universe After All.It is the story of ENT character Kaitaama being held hostage with TOS’s James T. Kirk.
More, More, More!
Daniels shows Jonathan Archer scenes from TOS’s The Cage, TOS’s The Corbomite Maneuver, and an unnamed TNG episode with Q in More, More, More!
Multiverse II
This enormous Round Robin story, Multiverse II, is a crossover by definition. Canon and original characters mix genres and eras.
These Are the Destinations
This work in progress will cross between ENT and a very specific TOS episode, and a little bit with the Kelvin timeline as well.
Crossovers I’d Like to See
So I’m not sure. I think one kind of crossover that I don’t want to see is anything relying too heavily on deus ex machina. That generally means anything with supernatural elements like vampires, or comic books. I don’t mind characters making contact with spiritual-type elements. Lili does a lot of this, particularly in Everybody Knows This is Nowhere. But it’s in the context of conversations. And nothing really out there happens, like characters rising from the dead, for example.
But flat-out characters being bitten by radioactive spiders and suddenly getting superpowers? I just don’t want to see it. I don’t want to have to cross stories that are pretty close to being realistic with those that are so far away from realism as all that. Maybe I’m just not adventurous enough.
Because I enjoy history very much, I think what I would really like to see is more of a stylistic crossover than an actual character and scene mashup. So has anyone ever written Star Trek in the style of Ernest Hemingway, or Miguel de Cervantes?
Now that’s what I’d like to see.