Progress Report – March 2014

Progress Report – March 2014

March 2014 was rather productive.

Posted Works

Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | March 2014

First of all, I finished posting Hold Your Dominion on Wattpad, and added Wider than the Sargasso Sea and Smash Your Dominion. I also added Coffee, It’s a Small Universe After All and Siberians.

In addition, I finished posting Flight of the Bluebird on So as a direct result of that, I also imported Flight of the Bluebird into Fictionpad. I posted Legends on and also imported Legends into Fictionpad.

Also, I went on posting Intolerance on the G & T Show forums.

Furthermore, in response to a prompt about “Before the dying of the light”, I posted A Perfect Note on Ad Astra. I then added that same story to and Fictionpad. And finally, in response to a Weekly Free Write about being trapped, I added Gilded Cage.


Progress Report – March 2014

Revved Up has been featured on Wattpad since the 12th!!! And it has over 120 reviews and is racking up about 750 reads/day.

He Stays  a Stranger made it to 10,000 reads on Ad Astra alone!

So please see the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

I worked on The Obolonk Murders, a wholly original story.

Prep Work

Also, I spent time on BookType, getting together some content for TU Publishing. In addition, I added a little to the Star Trek Expanded Universes wiki. Finally, I split up Entanglements into chapters for eventual posting on

This Month’s Productivity Killers


The week of March 10 – 16 was spring break at Quinnipiac, but otherwise I was working. Spring break was more than welcome.  I did a lot of the readings and was busy with a blog for class.

I also spent a lot of time updating my website and older posts on this blog, and attempting to improve their SEO.

Posted by jespah

Shuttlepod pilot, fan fiction writer, sentient marsupial canid.