Progress Report – March 2013

March 2013 Posted Works

March 2013 had a lot of diverse work in it.

In response to both the Ad Astra paths not taken challenge and the Trek BBS independence challenge, I posted Bread, Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | March 2013 a story about the prime universe and mirror universe Leah Benson. Bread covers a lot of details and even includes a shout-out to the Daranaeans.

In reaction to the death of a friend, I posted On the Radio. I began to spin out The Three of Us.

Also, I added On the Radio and Bread to In Between Days context. I added The Play at the Plate and Bread  to Hall of Mirrors context.

On, I posted Movie Night, Coveted Commodity and began to spin out Fortune.


Temper hit 10,000 overall reads on March 18th. The next story that will get there is most likely going to be Fortune.

WIP Corner

I continued working on The All-Stars. I also spent time on the Anthology.

Prep Work

I continued refining the timeline. I prepared works for the Anthology.

English: Six Braided Jewish Challah with sesame.

English: Six Braided Jewish Challah with sesame. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I also decided to overhaul my website, as I know that the jespah section is mainly a bunch of links, and that is harming my SEO efforts. Not to mention, it’s pretty dull. Hence I have begun the process of changing how links are presented, both there and on this blog. This will change not only the website side of things, it will also involve updating many of my preexisting posts. It will likely take months before I really make any significant headway.

This is probably, in some ways, avoidance behavior – I won’t have much time to work on the Barnstorming series for a while. But I think I am all right with that. I further feel that delaying that series will give me an opportunity to give it more details and interest. Plus I have been going nonstop for almost two and a half years now. I am not stopping, plus I’ll probably continue answering challenges. But things are changing a bit. It’s all good.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

This month got busy as it’s 5K racing season again. I am also looking for more work, and that has heated up again recently. Plus, as I’ve already mentioned, I am changing things up on the website end of things.

Posted by jespah

Shuttlepod pilot, fan fiction writer, sentient marsupial canid.

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