
Progress Report – November 2015

Progress Report – November 2015

November 2015 worked out for me for continuing works. Hence there was little new stuff.

Posted Works

Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | November 2015

It was a month for continuations, and not really for starting anything new. So on Wattpad, I continued posting Fortune. In addition, on, I continued to post A Long, Long Time Ago. Finally, on the G & T Show forums, I continued to post Reversal.

November 2015 Milestones

See the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

Main work was done on wholly original fiction as Star Trek fanfiction took a backseat to NaNoWriMo. And I do not mind that one bit, as NaNoWriMo is very important to me. As a result of the push I got from NaNoWriMo, I wrote a book called The Enigman Cave.

Prep Work

The month began with the end of the 24 Hours of G & T and I got a chance to talk writing! It was great fun and will be on YouTube soon.

This Month’s Productivity Killers


Which technically isn’t a productivity killer at all; it’s more that I was productive, but it sure as heck wasn’t for fanfiction. Instead, I worked on an original science fiction book, The Enigman Cave. I ‘won’ NaNoWriMo on the 20th by making it to 50,000 words and then I continued as the story was only maybe one-half to two-thirds completed by then. This cushion will come in very handy at editing time.

Furthermore, I had schoolwork as I was looking to get as much accomplished as possible in preparation for the end of the year. I am already set to take some time off from my internship. It’s enough already. I am pretty burned out and God I want school to be done with already. Feh!

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 2 comments
Progress Report – October 2015

Progress Report – October 2015

Progress Report – October 2015

So October 2015 kept me going. And I needed that!

Posted Works

Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | October 2015First of all, on, I posted The Stranger. I then added A Lesson and began to post A Long, Long Time Ago.

In addition, on Wattpad, I began to post Fortune.

So then on the G & T Show forums, I posted Letters from Home, Throwing Rocks at Looking Glass Houses, Paving Stones Made  From Good Intentions, Bribery, The Light,  First Born,  and Waiting. I then started to post Reversal.

Finally, on Fictionpad, I posted the Clockworks collection, consisting of: A Lesson; Briefing; Candy; Desperation; Marvels; Pat the Bunny; Preparations; Recruitment; The Honky Tonk Angel; and Where O Where. I also imported Faith, Seven Women, The Decision, and The Stranger.

Hence there were a lot of changes although admittedly many of them were pretty damned effortless or close to it.


See the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

There is a lot going on. However, the Barnstorming series is mainly on hold as I work out NaNo and do schoolwork.

Prep Work

So as the month wound down, I got caught up in getting reading for this year’s NaNoWriMo. Also, this meant more work on The Enigman Cave, including naming many of the characters and the ships in that fleet. Because these are small decisions, but they can really slow you down if you don’t get them done, I am happy to have them all set in advance of the first of November!

This Month’s Productivity Killers

School work and travel! In addition, my cousin got married in the middle of the month and that of course changed my routine. We also put together the 24 Hours of G & T and that kept me busy. I was one tired pup!

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 0 comments

Progress Report – September 2015

Progress Report – September 2015

September 2015 was a good month but not for writing.

Posted Works

Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | September 2015This month, as the new semester started, I was not able to get a lot of straightforward writing in, as I was also working at an internship.

I decided that the method of posting one longer ‘story’ which is really an anthology of sorts for short works, was the way to go on Most of the single chapter works there do not do so well, whereas multi-chapter works get a good number of read counts and reviews.  Therefore, for the HG Wells stories, the plan is to put prequels up, in an anthology called Clockworks, then post the books, and then post the post-Stranger books as another anthology, called Deep Future.

Clockworks now includes Desperation, Recruitment, The Honky Tonk Angel, Briefing, Preparations, Marvels, Pat the Bunny, Where O Where, and Candy.

On Wattpad, I finished posting Temper and added Coveted Commodity to In Between Days.

On the G & T Show forums, I posted The Puzzle and added More, More, More! to Before Days.


See the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

I spent a small amount of time on the Barnstorming story, Overtime, but it was my lowest priority during the month.

Prep Work

I spent more time working on outlining this year’s NaNoWriMo project, The Enigman Cave. I worked out many of the names and logistics (ship size, etc.) so that I would not have to figure those out during NaNoWriMo.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

School! I was hammered with papers and reports, and it doesn’t seem as if it will let up anytime soon. This is distressing and very tiring. So whose idea was graduate school, anyway?

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 0 comments

Progress Report – August 2015

Progress Report – August 2015

August 2015 was a bit more of the same as before.

Posted Works

On, I posted Seven Women. Tommy gets his due and the In Between Days series is getting close to its current end point.

In addition, on the G & T Show forums, I posted Conversations With Heroes. On Wattpad, I posted Temper. Hence both of these sites were moving much deeper into my universe and my fan fiction characters. Plus of course Conversations includes some LGBTQ (subtle) character work. And for both of these books, Lili figures rather prominently.Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | August 2015


Please see the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

I kept on working on the last book of the Barnstorming series, Overtime. I also created and began to populate a Wiki for this year’s NaNoWriMo story, The Enigman Cave (a lot of that work consisted of getting together character names and figuring out the departments and chain of command on the ship). Because that story has a great deal of complexity already, I predict it will take me far, far beyond the end of November before I finish it. And that is perfectly fine, of course! However, it will most likely keep me from writing any new Star Trek fan fiction for the time being.

Prep Work

I put together separate chapters in A Long, Long Time Ago for posting on Hence that one is ready to go.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

During the first week, I had final projects due for school (at least the following semester does not start until August the 31st). I started volunteering as an Ambassador for Wattpad. Because that takes up some time, the time has to come from somewhere. And right now, it comes from Star Trek fan fiction writing time. So sorry!

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 1 comment

Progress Report – July 2015

Progress Report – July 2015

July 2015 saw me adding onto more preexisting Star Trek fan fiction works. In addition, I wrote parts of the Barnstorming series. However, two years later (welcome to the future!), that series does not yet have an end point.

Posted Works

First of all, on Wattpad, I added to the In Between Days Collection by posting Tumult, Achieving Peace, Shell Shock, The Conspiracy, and Gilded Cage. I started to post Temper.Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | July 2015

Also, on Ad Astra, I finished posting Infinite Diversity.

Furthermore, on, I finished posting About Nine Months and then posted Education, The Decision, and Faith.

In addition, on Fictionpad, I added Education.

Finally, on the G & T Show, I finished Theorizing and then posted Gratitude; Gossip GossipOnions; Penicillin; Demotion; and started Conversations With Heroes.


Please see the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

I continued preparing The Enigman Cave for this years’ NaNoWriMo in November. In addition, I also kept perfecting the last two books in the Obolonk series, The Polymer Beat and The Badge of Humanity.  Hence this was to prepare and clear the decks for this year’s NaNoWriMo project. Also, I finished the first draft of the Barnstorming book, Time Out, and began the final book in that series, Overtime.

Prep Work

Also, I spent time on Wattpad getting future postings together in draft form. Hence that was meant to save me time later.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

So I had plenty to do at school. Plus I became a Wattpad Ambassador, and that took up a lot of my time. Because time is a finite thing, it had to come from somewhere. Hence it mainly came from Star Trek fan fiction writing time, I am so sorry to report.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 0 comments

Progress Report – June 2015

Progress Report – June 2015

June 2015 meant I was still writing a lot of Star Trek fan fiction although it was starting to wind down just a bit.

Posted Works

Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | June 2015
First of all, on G & T Show forums, I finished posting Concord and then returned to Before Days with Voracious, Harvest, Before the Fall, and then Protocols, and then began to post Theorizing.

Also, on, I finished posting Theorizing and then added Gratitude, Red, Linfep Linfep Linfep, Colleagues, If I Could See, and then began to post About Nine Months.

In addition, on Fictionpad, I posted Theorizing, Gratitude, Red, Linfep Linfep Linfep, Colleagues, and If I Could See.

Plus on Wattpad, I finished posting Together and then posted Where No Gerbil Has Gone Before, which was also entered into this year’s Watty Awards, with a new cover. In the In Between Days collection, I added Equilibrium, Movie Night, The Cure is Worse Than the Disease, and Ceremonial.

Finally, on Ad Astra, I posted a drabble taking place in Captain Sarine’s universe, Appearances. Sharp-eyed readers will see Pete Porter, a relative of Polly and the Barnstorming character Tamsin. The story was too short to be considered for the voting in the ‘Steal All the Toys’ challenge. I also worked with kes7 to advance our Tesseract/Times of the HG Wells crossover, Paradox, in the Collaboration Station challenge. I began to post the 7-day challenge and went with an IDIC theme, Infinite Diversity.


See the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

I continued perfecting the last two books in the Obolonk trilogy. I also worked on the Barnstorming-Times of the HG Wells crossover story, Time Out.

Prep Work

In anticipation of NaNoWriMo 2015, I began to really think about the shape of this year’s story, which takes place in a new universe (although some of the tech is related to the Obolonks) and is tentatively called The Enigman Cave.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

School, and the ever-present search or work both kept me from being as productive as I would have liked. I also trained to become an Ambassador on Wattpad.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 0 comments

Progress Report – May 2015

Progress Report – May 2015

May 2015 held a lot of promise.

Posted Works

However, I kept the postings down as I was busy with school.

First of all, on Wattpad, I continued posting Together. I entered a fanfiction contest with Red.

In addition, on the G & T Show Forums,

Progress Report – May 2015

Old North Bridge, Concord, Massachusetts. Where the ‘shot that was heard around the world’ was fired (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I followed the same format I had followed on Wattpad, and began to spin out Before Days with If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Cobbled Together. I began to add Concord.

Also, I updated The All-Stars on Ad Astra. I added an unexpected little In Between Days story, If I Could See. For the Twelve Trials of Triskelion, I posted a  Times of the HG Wells story about Richard Daniels‘s many conquests, The Stranger, for the Ficlet Flashdance. I dipped into Captain Sarine’s Restoration universe for a drabble, Appearances.

Furthermore, on, I finished posting Everybody Knows This is Nowhere. I started posting Theorizing.

Finally, I added Promise and Everybody Knows This is Nowhere to Fictionpad.Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | May 2015


Please be sure to see the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

So as a part of clearing the decks and prepping for November, I continued editing and polishing the wholly original story, The Badge of Humanity. The Obolonks Murders went in for more beta reading, as did The Polymer Beat. In addition, I had the start of a story for November.

Prep Work

I worked some more on the Barnstorming series in order to work on resolving it, and came up with an idea for another series after that one. I also got some ideas for upcoming writing challenges.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

School, as one semester ended and a new one began.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 0 comments

Progress Report – April 2015

Progress Report – April 2015

April 2015 was good although not so much for Star Trek fan fiction writing. Because I simply did not have enough hours in a day. Yet then again, who does?

Posted Works

First of all, I kept the postings down as I was busy with school.

In addition, on Wattpad, I continued to post Together.

Furthermore, on the G & T Show Forums, I posted Education. I then followed the same format I had followed on Wattpad, and began to spin out Before Days with Detroit Rock City, A Single Step, The High Cost of Dissidence, Flip, Atlas, And the Livin’ is Easy and Party on Risa.

Because I’d been neglecting it for a while, I updated The All-Stars on Ad Astra. Hence Mack and Marty got some more live.

And finally, on, I continued to post Everybody Knows This is Nowhere. Hence that site saw a lot more of the epic story.Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | April 2015


See the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

So I continued to edit and polish the wholly original story, The Badge of Humanity.

Prep Work

In addition, I worked some more on the Barnstorming series as I had been out of writing long fan fiction for quite a while. I was able to get a lot of the mystery resolved, which will make writing the remainder of that series much easier.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

I spent a lot of time on schoolwork, as the semester was winding down. Hence this meant my focus had to be on something far from Star Trek fan fiction, alas. Therefore, as my grades always come first, that meant some neglect of the universe. So to my characters, I say – I’m so sorry!

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 1 comment

Progress Report – March 2015

Progress Report – March 2015

The month of March 2015 was fairly sparse in terms of postings as I needed to concentrate on schoolwork and wholly original works. Hence this meant I was nearly always simply adding to some preexisting works or collections.

Posted Works

Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | March 2015So first of all, I added Report Card, The Black Widow, It’s a Small Universe After All, Loss, Milk, and You Make Me Want to Scream to the G & T Show forums. Hence that site got a taste of much of my Star Trek fan fiction from outside of the Enterprise series.

Furthermore, In memory of Leonard Nimoy, I added a new Times of the HG Wells piece, Timeless.  In order to respond to the monthly prompt about mentors, I added a JossDr. Morgan story, Colleagues.

In addition, on, I continued to post Everybody Knows This is Nowhere.

Finally, on Wattpad, I finished posting Intolerance, and then moved onto Barely Tolerable, Pacing, The Gift, and Voice of the Common Man. I then began spinning out Together.


So please be sure to see the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

I continued to work on the wholly original book, The Badge of Humanity. The end was in sight, and I was rather inspired, so a great deal of writing time and energy was devoted to that story. This gave me a great lift and a push and it really kept me going!

Prep Work

I continued working on means for getting Untrustworthy out and in front of reviewers, trading reviews with some independent authors.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

School at Quinnipiac was the main issue. I had a lot to do even though the mid-semester break occurred in the middle of the month.
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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 0 comments

Progress Report – February 2015

Progress Report – February 2015

February 2015 was another fairly light month as I was busy with work, school, podcasting, and my published work. It was also the snowiest month in Boston’s history so I was rather busy shoveling snow and dealing with all of that. Yes, it was really that bad.

Posted Works

First of all, I added It Had to Be You  and Alien Encounter to the G & T Show forums. I also combined Coffee and Siberians, releasing them as Caffeinated Voyage. I combined D’Storlin and the two Freak School stories, releasing them as The Archer Academy at Oberon. Hence that site saw a lot of my Voyager fan fiction and some of my more out-there stuff. Because who does not like a little Gorn in their life?

In addition, on Wattpad, I continued contributing to Intolerance.

Finally, on, I continued adding to Everybody Knows This is Nowhere.

Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | February 2015


Twenty Star Trek fan fiction stories now have 10,000 or more reads, either individually or in combination.  And another twenty stories have 75 or more reviews.  However, the only story with both is Reversal.  In addition, the only non-fan fiction story with both is Revved Up. Hence I have a pretty decent readership but not an overwhelming one. And that is all right!

See the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

I continued working on The Badge of Humanity, the last of the wholly original Obolonk trilogy.

Prep Work

I worked on promotions for my published work. I also believe I may have a viable idea for this year’s NaNoWriMo.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

School at Quinnipiac<, plus continuing to support my published work, both (understandably) kept me from writing more fan fiction.  The incredible snowfalls didn’t help, either.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 1 comment