In Between Days series

Portrait of a Character – Ethan Novakovich

Portrait of a Character – Ethan Novakovich

Ethan Novakovich gets more air time in fan fiction than in canon.


The character is canon. The truth is, I forgot about him for a while. Sorry! But this was a character who was seen exactly once, and very early in the show’s lifetime. And so I created a character named Ethan, and completely forgot about this character until the E2 timeline.


Portrait of a Character – Ethan Novakovich

Henri Lubatti as Ethan Novakovich (image is courtesy of Memory Alpha and is for educational purposes only)

As in canon, Ethan is played by actor Henri Lubatti.

The actor has found work since Enterprise, including some recurring work on 24.


Shy and also a bit studious, Ethan is a bit of a plant nerd. Given the chain of command, he should be working for, first, Naomi Curtis, and then Shelby Pike, in the Botany Department. The truth is, I barely wrote him and so he is a bit of a mystery to me, too. His quote isn’t even that interesting.


Colleen Romanov

They get together in both iterations. In Everybody Knows This is Nowhere, Colleen reports that he is shy and she had to attract him by claiming to have found a new life form in one of the cargo bays.

Mirror Universe

There are no impediments to Ethan existing in the Mirror Universe, although the character is not present in the canon MU episodes.

Portrait of a Character – Ethan Novakovich

Henri Lubatti as the Mirror Ethan (image is for educational purposes)

Shyness practically equals death in the Mirror, so he would have to be considerably more assertive. If he is with Colleen, then the circumstances of their relationship starting would be far different.


“One of the orange trees seems to be dead.”


Should this character return? The truth is, I just can’t see it.

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Portrait of a Character – Rex Ryan

Portrait of a Character – Rex Ryan

Rex Ryan plays the guitar.


The character is canon, although he did not have a first name. I’m not even so sure this was a speaking part. I named the character, as yet another reference to actor Steven Culp, after the Desperate Housewives character he played, Rex Van de Camp. Rex is not named after the coach of the New York Jets.


Portrait of a Character – Rex Ryan

Jason Collins as R. Ryan (Rex Ryan) (image is for educational purposes)

As in canon, Rex is played by actor Jason Collins. I do not know too much about the actor. It appears that he has gotten some work since the show went off the air. Good for him.


Shy and reserved, Rex is not the kind of guy who will ever be a leader or really promoted, although I can see him as getting commendations. I don’t send him on the failed missions, either.


Meredith Porter

As The Three of Us opens, Rex is one of the men who, it seems, is going to be left out of the gene pool. But he gets an idea, and hauls out his guitar, once he learns that Meredith can sing.  She is older than him, but that doesn’t matter. They also marry during Everybody Knows This is Nowhere.

Do they get together outside of the kicks back in time? It is certainly possible, as they look at each other during the reception at the end of Everybody Knows. I like to think that, just as with Frank and Dave, the strange experience gives them the kind of mental permission they need to go ahead.

Theme Music

Rex’s first number with Meredith is Woody Guthrie’s This Land is Your Land.

Mirror Universe

While the character does not appear in the canon Mirror Universe episodes, there is no reason why he can’t exist there.

Portrait of a Character – Rex Ryan

Jason Collins as Mirror (sort of) Rex (image is for educational purposes)

There is even the possibility that he could get together with Meredith. After all, Empress Hoshi doesn’t like competition from the female members of her crew, but she might be all right with the older engineer, and might not see Porter as a threat.


“Look, I’m gonna bring my guitar to the Observation Lounge every day this week. And you can listen or sing along or just give me the stink eye, whatever you want. Or you can get up and leave the room. And except for you up and leaving, I figure, it’ll be a positive sign. I’ll play, and you’ll do whatever you’re gonna do. And, well, please don’t go.”


I like the idea of a shy, reserved tough guy who gets the girl in the end. I think Meredith and Rex will both be back at some point.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, In Between Days series, Interphases series, Portrait, 0 comments

Portrait of a Character – Linda Orenstein Shapiro

Portrait of a Character – Linda Orenstein Shapiro

Linda Orenstein Shapiro shows up in two rather different stories.


As I wrote The Light, I wanted Ethan Shapiro to contact his mother as a part of discussing his Aunt Rachel’s death. Rachel is also Linda’s aunt. Linda is named after two of my aunts.


Portrait of a Character – Linda Orenstein Shapiro

Valerie Harper as Linda Orenstein Shapiro

Linda is played by actress Valerie Harper. I like the idea of a semi-wisecracking woman in this role. She is a fairly clichéd role, so to my mind that makes some sense.

Funny, though, the actress is actually not Jewish. But I still see her in the role.


A bit of a worrier, and deeply religious, Linda is seen only twice. Once is in the context of Rachel’s death. The other time is in a fevered coma dream during Entanglements.  Ethan asks if he will ever fall in love. Linda responds, “I think that will happen. Just be patient, Ethan. And remember – she might not look like what you think she should. But that doesn’t matter. Look with your heart, and see with your soul.”


Linda’s only known relationship is with Ethan’s father, who I don’t believe I have ever actually named.

Mirror Universe

It is possible that Linda exists in the Mirror Universe.

Portrait of a Character – Linda Orenstein Shapiro

Valerie Harper as Mirror Linda (image is provided for educational purposes)

Ethan (at least, the Ethan who is her son) does not. But that does not preclude her own existence there.

Women in the Mirror Universe need to remain attractive longer (at least, as I write them), so she would possibly have surgery or at least be a serious user of makeup.


“It’s a shonda, so few Jews on board. Andrew; you’ll call your mother for Chanukah, right?”


I particularly loved bringing Linda back for another round, to comfort a comatose Ethan and give him some hope for the future. In a way, much like Ian does for Lili, Linda predicts the future for Ethan, and shows him that the path might be somewhat crooked, but it will all work out in the end.

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Portrait of a Character – Michael Rostov

Portrait of a Character – Michael Rostov

Michael Rostov is canon but also fan fiction.


Portrait of a Character – Michael Rostov

Joseph Will as Michael Rostov, with Linda Park as Hoshi Sato (image is for educational purposes)

The character is canon, first on screen during the Vox Sola episode.

He also shows up two more times, in Two Days and Two Nights, and The Crossing. However, it’s only in Vox Sola where he is shown with J. Kelly, who calls him by his first name. So in canon, they clearly know each other well.


As in canon, Michael is played by actor Joseph Will. I like this big lug of a guy, who also seems to have a good sense of humor.


Kind and competent, Mike is not necessarily going to ever become a leader. But he truly loves Judy, and is a particularly good father to their daughter in the first E2 kick back in time, Valleri.


Judy Kelly

During both kicks back in time, Michael and Judy marry. In fact, in the first iteration, they are the first to wed. So they essentially kick off the romances. Their wedding ends Reflections Down a Corridor.

Mirror Universe

So there do not seem to be any impediments to Michael existing in the Mirror Universe.

Portrait of a Character – Michael Rostov

Joseph Will as Mirror Michael Rostov

While he is not shown in the two canon MU episodes, that does not mean that he does not exist there.

Because Mirror personalities are often different, he might be less shy, and even a ruthless businessman.


“I don’t wanna just be friends. I, I know it’s early. Maybe you wanna see if you have, uh, other prospects.”


I was glad to be able to give this canon character a little more substance. I hope I did right by him.

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Focus – Irumodic Syndrome

Focus on Irumodic Syndrome

Irumodic Syndrome is a canon disease much like Alzheimer’s.


A focus Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Focus Magnifying Glass | Irumodic Syndrome (unlike a spotlight) is an in-depth look at a Star Trek fanfiction canon item and my twist(s) on it.

Of course, all of fan fiction is like that, but the idea here is to provide a window into how a single canon concept can be used in fan fiction.


Focus – Irumodic Syndrome

Comparison of character suffering Irumodic Syndrome, versus reality for actor. Image is provided for educational purposes only.

The canon equivalent of Alzheimer’s Disease makes for a fascinating detail to any plot. It is really only mentioned in The Next Generation, where Captain Jean-Luc Picard gets it as a part of the series finale, All Good Things ….

Just like Alzheimer’s is today, Irumodic Syndrome is devastating, heartbreaking, and incurable.


Diana Jones

For Diana, her Irumodic Syndrome wreaks havoc with the life of her wife, Rabbi Leah Benson. In Bread, Diana has clearly been suffering for a long time. Leah feels she should quit her job and focus on Diana and the time they have left. But, sadly, Diana is beginning to forget everyone. Leah knows that, eventually, she’ll be next.

Melissa Madden

For Melissa, who suffers tremendously, suicide seems like the most logical solution. She even plans it in Fortune, as a kind of confirmation of her behavior during the alternate timeline in Temper. Adding the forgetting insult to injury for Norri is that Melissa often calls her Belinda. So Norri is not only reminded of Melissa’s decline, but also of her own mother’s death.


The Star Trek future sometimes seems to be far too achingly perfect. Nothing ever seems to go wrong, or at least the bad times don’t stick around. This disease cuts right through that and adds a sobering note of reality to all that it touches.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Focus, Hall of Mirrors, In Between Days series, 0 comments

Portrait of a Character – Lucas Donnelly

Portrait of a Character – Lucas Donnelly

Lucas Donnelly is an LGBTQ character.


I wanted Doug‘s first kill in the Mirror Universe to be kind of a lark, just to see if he could do it. Then, later, when I was writing more diverse characters, I wanted another gay male character. Enter Luke.


Portrait of a Character – Lucas Donnelly

Eric Stoltz as Lucas Donnelly (image is for educational purposes only)

Luke is played by actor Eric Stolz. I really love how he has science fiction chops – he had a recurring role on Caprica.

I like this actor, who seemed effortlessly handsome when younger, and now looks like he’s got a few miles on him. That’s okay; that’s reality.


Aloof, a little bored, and also overly artistic, Luke considers making a play for Dave Constantine, in A Perfect Note. But he is discouraged when he learns that Constantine is going to Movie Night with Preston Jennings. But he writes his poem to Dave anyway, although he never sends it. Instead, he reveals to Lili that he wants to write tactical problems for cadets. He ends up sending his poem and a letter to a friend of his, a guy named Kobayashi Maru.


Preston Jennings

During the E2 kick backs in time, they end up together. The situation is not the best for either of them. In fact, prior to that, Preston had been approached by Diana as a kind of beard, and Ingrid also approached Luke. She didn’t know he was gay.

Mirror Universe

In the Mirror Universe, Luke has the dubious distinction of being Doug’s first kill.

Portrait of a Character – Lucas Donnelly

Mirror Luke (Eric Stoltz. Image is for educational purposes only)

In Fortune, Doug reveals that Luke was the Barracks Chief and also, therefore, was his superior officer. In a fit of rage, and in order to move up in rank, Doug strangles the man with his bare hands, only to find that being in charge of the barracks was not all it had been cracked up to be.


“Yanno, I just want a damned perfect note. Something that, that takes care of everything. And if I couldn’t get one, dammit, I wanted to at least send one.”


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Portrait of a Character – Trea Hoshi

Portrait of a Character – Trea Hoshi


First just seen as an embryo, barely a few hours old, Trea Hoshi is the embodiment of the hopes of the Arisian people. As the first female conceived since the elimination of women on that world, she is meant to begin a new era where the population again becomes regularly two-gendered. Her title, which is the title of the other girls (who are identical to her), means ‘Mother of the World’. Her very existence is owed, in There’s Something About Hoshi, to the female hormones of Hoshi Sato.


Portrait of a Character – Trea Hoshi

Ziyi Zhang as Trea Hoshi (image is presented for educational purposes only)

Trea Hoshi is played by actress Zhang Ziyi. I really loved the idea of using the same actress for Trea Hoshi as I had for Takara Masterson Sato Tucker, as the characters are similar in some ways. I have barely described the Arisians; they are essentially ‘forehead aliens’, with a pattern to their foreheads but otherwise little to distinguish them from humans.


Originally, I had not intended to write a sequel, called There’s Something Else About Hoshi. The opportunity presented itself when I was prompted to write to set a scene. But then there was the matter of an almost-grown Trea Hoshi herself.

She is somewhat schoolgirlish, and perhaps a bit overwhelmed by all of the attention that is continually showered on her and the other cloned girls.


Her relationship is utterly unknown. At the end of There’s Something Else …, it’s Milit’s engagement to Trea Aquili that is announced. But there is, of course, someone for Trea Hoshi. Perhaps I’ll write that story one of these days.

Mirror Universe

I cannot see her as existing in the Mirror Universe, as her origins are dependent upon Hoshi Sato. I just do not see the Empress as having the time or interest or the sympathy for such things.


“Trea Aqili and Trea Mirana and I often speak of such things. The governmental ministers are most interested. They bring gifts, much like you have been provided with today.”


As one of many clones, Trea Hoshi isn’t meant to be easy to know or distinguish from the other clones. The storyline might need to continue; it could say a lot about sexism, I imagine.

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Review – Seven Women

Review – Seven Women

Seven Women in memory, love, and loss.


In Fortune, I established that Tommy Digiorno-Madden dies in the service of his captain. In Seven Women, I show exactly how that happens.


Barking up the Muse Tree | jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | Seven Women

Seven Women

The story (which was written as a one a day ficlet challenge) opens with Tommy making it clear that there is a fireball coming, and it’s got his name on it.

The fire door is closed, he’s trapped, and there  is no getting out of this one. Except he says this with no fear, no regrets, and no sorrow. It is just a simple fact. Since he sees his fate, he knows he is about to die.

In order to pass what little time he has left, he has visions. But he does not see his life pass before his eyes. Rather, he sees seven influential women from his life.

Melissa Madden

The first woman he remembers, naturally, is his mother, Melissa Madden.  As he talks about her in the initial chapter, and he mentions her descent into Irumodic Syndrome dementia, he mentions Doug Beckett, too. While he recognizes that his half-brother, Joss, looks the most like Doug, it is he, Tommy, who is the most like their shared father. Because Tommy is a soldier.

Leonora Digiorno

The second woman he recalls is Norri, who he reveals he had a crush on. He remembers her teaching him to read and that, at her death, she said she saw a bridge and the doomed Kevin. And then he reveals that he’s seeing Kevin, too, and feels the brother who never had a chance is somehow there for him and is acting as a kind of spirit guide.

Cindy Morgan

His next memory is of Cindy Morgan, who he reveals (this was my own first inkling of this) was his first girlfriend. Unlike Joss and Jia, they did not work out.

Takara Masterson Sato

Fourth on his list is Takara Masterson Sato Tucker.  In Fortune, I established that they made dream contact as children, but didn’t know if they had pursued it after that. However, the character spoke to me, and so dreaming with Takara became something that Tommy had done for his entire life.

Lili O’Day

Then his next revelation is about Lili O’Day, and he remembers her not only as Doug’s wife, but also her singing Arroz con Leche to him (a scene from Temper) and making empanadas, a detail that is also from Temper.

Erika Hernandez

The sixth woman is his old boss, Erika Hernandez. While Tommy is too young for Flight of the Bluebird, he is definitely there with Erika during later voyages, and is probably a part of patrolling the Neutral Zone.

The Last Woman

I won’t reveal the seventh woman. So you’ll just have to see for yourself.

Story Postings


The story is rated K.


I really loved giving Tommy some dimension, as he really didn’t have much beforehand. Joss and Neil and Empy and Dec (and even Kevin) seemed to have had more screen time.

But it’s Tommy who ends up becoming the most important person, ever, to the new timeline. And no one but the reader knows.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, In Between Days series, Review, 1 comment

Portrait of a Character – Walter Woods

Portrait of a Character – Walter Woods


As I was writing the E2 stories, one thing I wanted to have happen was for some of the relationships to not work out. One, in particular, would be a cuckolding, not found out until the birth of a child. Making matters more interesting, the child would be mixed race.

With canon character W. Woods (I gave him the first name of Walter), a rather dark-skinned man, the premise proved to be irresistible, a kind of secondary ‘three of us’, but a far from positive one.


Portrait of a Character – Walter Woods

Ricky Lomax as W. Woods (image is courtesy of Memory Alpha)

As in canon, Walter is played by background actor Ricky Lomax.  I don’t believe he uttered a line in the entire series (although he was seen in the background of a lot of episodes in the series).


Lonely and caught up in the moment, but ultimately decent, Walter never means to hurt Victoria.


Diana Jones

Before he asks out any of the other women, Walter first goes after Diana, who informs him that she is a lesbian. She points him in the direction of Vicki.

Victoria Dietrich

When Walter and Vicki are dating, in The Three of Us, he expresses his joy about their relationship. However, all is not quite right, although he technically never cheats on her. Once she hears about Mara, she kicks him to the curb and ends up with Mara’s ex, Robert Slater.

Mara Brodsky

Just before beginning to date Victoria, Walter is Mara‘s affair partner while she is married to Robert. In denial, she insists, and he agrees, that she is pregnant with Robert’s child. But once the baby is born, the jig is up.

They raise Jeffrey together, and end up together. They also have a daughter, Tanya.

Mirror Universe

Walter exists in the Mirror Universe, in canon. As is the case with every even halfway decent-looking man on the ISS Defiant, Empress Hoshi sleeps with him.

Portrait of a Character – Walter Woods

Ricky Lomax as Mirror W. Woods (image is courtesy of Memory Alpha)

But he isn’t high enough in the ranks for her to have his child.

I don’t have him challenging the status quo, and probably won’t write anything like that.


“I, I, Gods. I just got caught up. The, uh, the last time, it was less than a week before Victoria and I got together for the first time. And I, yanno, I was happy. So I just kinda swept it under the rug. And I figured, well, she couldn’t be pregnant by me. It had to be your kid. Had to!


This character, much like Patti Socorro, has been kicked around a lot.  I don’t see him in a leading role but I do like him as a kind of background character, much like the actor really has been.

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Posted by jespah in In Between Days series, Interphases series, Portrait, 0 comments

Review – Faith

Review – Faith

Faith is an exceedingly personal thing, and not just for us real people. It is for characters, as well.


This story was written in response to a week-long series of seven prompts. I had wanted to explore Declan and his later life and his conversion to Judaism, and then when the first prompt was ‘in the beginning’, the telling became easier and almost imperative.

I firmly believe that ‘Faith of the Heart’ means all faiths (even questioning and the absence of same), and also all hearts. This story brings those two ideas together.


Barking up the Muse Tree | Jespah | Janet Gershen-Siegel | Later Days | Faith

Later Days

Declan Reed‘s conversion to Judaism, and his relationship with Rebecca Shapiro, are explored in depth. Along the way, I also touched on his relationship with Norri Digiorno, Joss Beckett and Jia Sulu, Neil Digiorno-Madden and Ines Ramirez, Marie Patrice Beckett, and Tommy Digiorno-Madden.

Declan asks for advice, he learns Hebrew, and he eventually participates in the rituals of conversion. He also spends time with the family and with Rebecca, who shows that she is just as ready, willing, and able to commit as he is. He even contacts his nasty ex-wife, Louise Schiller to tell her that he’s remarrying. A glimpse at Louise reveals a selfish, self-centered individual. In many ways, Louise is Pamela Hudson but without a heart. She ends up being very hard to take.

Story Postings


The story is rated K.


I like how the rather disparate prompts were able to come together into a whole. I got to know a bit more about Louise Schiller, too, who I had only shown as a child before, in Saturn Rise. The story gave me the opportunity to see her more clearly, too.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, In Between Days series, Review, 2 comments