Day: March 29, 2016

Progress Report – March 2016

Progress Report – March 2016

So March 2016 proved to be another quiet month as school, work, and the G & T Show podcast took up a lot of my time. As a result, there was no new fan fiction created during this calendar month. However, a lot of my older works were distributed to wider and wider audiences. I am grateful for the recognition I have been getting for some of these pieces.

Posted Works

Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | March 2016On Wattpad, I continued to add to Later Days, and therefore I posted Some Assembly Required; The Facts; Linfep Linfep Linfep; Consider the Lilies of the Field; In Memory of Kelsey Haber; If I Could See; Colleagues; The Pivot Point; About Nine Months; Debateand Half.

In addition, on, I continued to post Ohio.

On the G & T Show forums, I finished posting Reversal. I then started  with a new compilation, In Between Days, and added An Announcement, Dear Captain, Apple, and Local Flavor.


See the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

I worked even more closely with beta readers on The Enigman Cave, getting it more polished and ready for querying. The story is almost there and I hope it does well.

Prep Work

So I continued to work on the upcoming 2016 NaNoWriMo wholly original story, The Real Hub of the Universe, getting to know my main characters better and fleshing out the secondary characters a lot more. As a result, the project is looking really good and I am happy to be getting ready to write it.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

Work, school, the podcast, family stuff, you name it! I was busy or tired for much of the time, and often both. Hence, there was little new stuff to add.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 0 comments