Day: February 26, 2016

Progress Report – February 2016

Progress Report – February 2016

February 2016 was busy! However, it was a good kind of busy.

February 2016 Posted Works

February 2016 proved to be another busy month. Barking up the Muse Tree | Janet Gershen-Siegel | jespah | Quill | February 2016As I continued with schoolwork, I was able to add to more works online but really did not write any new Star Trek fanfiction as I just did not have the time to do so. Helpfully (and through no design of my own), everything I posted was a continuation of a work in progress.

On Wattpad, I finished posting Take Back the Night. I also posted Temptation.

On, I continued to post Ohio.  On the G & T Show forums, I kept on posting Reversal.


See the Stats page for individual read and review counts.

WIP Corner

I worked with beta readers on The Enigman Cave. I am still aiming for a round of querying right around the time I graduate from Quinnipiac University, in late August/early September. So far, it is going rather well, and I am very pleased with the feedback I am getting. My only issue is version control, and so I will most likely use Google Docs the next time I work with so many beta readers. Otherwise, it is far too confusing for me and I can miss subtleties if I am not careful.

Prep Work

I continued working and daydreaming and trying to bring some shape, focus, and above all plot to what is being tentatively called The Real Hub of the Universe. It has the potential to turn into a series and not just be for this year’s NaNoWriMo exercise, so I am eager to work on world building.

This Month’s Productivity Killers

School, more than anything else. I am busy, and I am focused. Plus I need to get ready for my capstone project over the summer. I am having fun but it is also time-consuming work.

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Posted by jespah in Fan fiction, Progress, 0 comments